Current edition: Vol.6, No.2, February 2003

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AWRPG Opening
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AWRPG Grand Opening

Courtesy of Poseidon

On February 15th at 6pm vrt, a new world will be opening called AWRPG! The world is exactly what the name says it is - a new Roleplaying game for Active Worlds. Last month we opened the world for a trial period, to allow people to come on in and explore. Well, now on February 15th, we will be officially opening to the entire Active Worlds Community! While the world may not be completely finished, all of the major bugs are expected to be resolved, so we feel it would be great to allow all to come on in and begin working on a new life, in this new world.

Perhaps the best explanation for what we are attempting to do in AWRPG, can be seen in a quote from a post Eric made on our AWRPG forums:

"When the term "RPG" is heard, the mind is no longer drawn to think of a "role-playing game", but a story-based adventure game in which you take your character plowing through obstacles and gathering clues until you reach your objective. When I think of an RPG however, something else comes to mind. I dream of a world in which you truly become your character, where your actions have consequence and merit, where you leave a lasting impact on the world. A land filled with several of these characters forming a society, a culture, in which they live.

We envision a game not driven by conflict, but by intrigue. A land torn not by warring lands, but by untamed hearts. A society where friends are the most valuable resource, not items. A world in which economy and faith are valued above stats and gold.

We do not seek to compete with other rpgs like AD&DRPG or Mutation, we seek to be different. We seek to provide an environment free of mindless powergaming, an evironment that produces a unique experience for each player, ever changing, always growing. We seek to create a world which is shaped as much by the players as the developers, a story which constantly evolves. We seek to create a living, thriving community, and ultimately an experience all will enjoy.

This is our vision."

So what exactly does this mean?

We want users to enter AWRPG, and create 'Life', set in a completely different time. In fact, on a completely different world, with a completely different storyline to go along with it. This world will be entirely user controlled. What do you want to do? Then do it! The governments of each city will be independently controlled by the people that are put into power. The city leaders of each city have the ability to boot out unwanted people, etc. The city leader, even has the ability to set up any form of government in which they please.. as long as everything is within limits, and is keeping game play fun. If not, the Gods will mysteriously put the city leader out of power.

The storyline will also always be advancing. New twists will be thrown in at any time. New disasters. Cities will never remain the same size. Sometimes parts of them will be destroyed by natural disaster, or war. Sometimes they will be granted new land, and so they can expand. Sometimes cities will gain new supplies (here is where the city leader comes in) and it is up to the City leader to decide how to use them... construct more items of war and weapons? Or expand the city, or put up a new city wall? The decision is left ultimately to the city leader, or the set up governing body of the city.

I suppose the biggest point we are trying to get across here, is that Draeda, AWRPG, is a land of cause and effect. Treat your neighboring cities with respect, and your trade will remain open. Disrespect them, and trade could be cut off, and war break out. Yet if War breaks out, how does this effect the rest of your trade? Again, the storyline of the land runs quite deep in its History, and the gameplay. The full storyline will be up by the opening on February 15th, and the storyline will ALWAYS be evolving. Be prepared!

For more information on AWRPG, you can visit...

Or you can contact Poseidon, or Eric in Active Worlds :)

See you on February 15th, at 6pm vrt!


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