Current edition: Vol.6, No.6, June 2003

Active Worlds News

World of the Month
Worlds to Watch
Bot of the Month
Report Cards
AWCamp 2003
AWTrivia is Back!
AWFestival 2003
Cy Awards Calendar
AW Building Contest
AWUniversity News
Volunteer Highlight
Bit's Who's Who
Hot Spots to Visit
Intersculpt 2003
Reunion 2003
AWEC Calendar


Building Links
Community Links










We Wanna See Those 2002/2003 Report Cards!

We believe that working hard in school is just as important as playing hard in Active Worlds, and we'd like to encourage all of our school-age users to focus their attention on their school work, broaden their knowledge, apply themselves and get the most out of school. To show our support for exceptionally hard work, we'll be offering worlds to participants who achieve the best grades, and to those who show the greatest improvement each school year.

*Deadline for submitting report cards is July 1, 2003.

We will be rewarding achievements in the following areas:

  • Best Overall Academic Standing
  • Most Improved Academic Standing
  • Excellence (perfect report cards/assessment/GPA)

Students must be in grades 1-12 (or equivalent in country of residence)
Students must submit, by fax or mail a copy of:

  • report card or an official progress assessment from their school
  • accurate contact information for the school
  • name of teacher or counselor
  • signed letter from parent or guardian with permission to participate in the program
  • Include your CITIZEN NAME, NUMBER, and an accurate EMAIL address as well

Qualifying Students will be awarded

  • A 6 Month P-20 World w/5 simultaneous citizens (no citizenships included)

Contact Information:

  • Mailing Address
    Activeworlds Inc.
    95 Parker Street
    Newburyport, MA. 01950
  • Fax Number: (978) 499-0221


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