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Courtesy of Twisted Horizon

"Jay's Game", then "Cyberbia", now "hQuest". Whatever you call it, it's still the game that it is. And not just one. The first hQuest, located in JayWorld, entitled "Search for the Great Goblets", was made from April to June 2000. Many more are coming, in trial worlds and permanent worlds, AlphaWorld and hidden in friend's worlds. But wherever they are, they always share one thing: fun.

Twisted Horizon and Knight Rider (AKA BetterFuture and Justin 13, or Jay and Justin, or however you put it) have been working together with models, textures, and general world design since November of 1999, although they had each been off on world projects of their own before then. When Twisted Horizon came up with the idea to mix all the traditional action/adventure computer games with Active Worlds and bots, it was quite hard to imagine. However, the two of them set to building spots of it anyways. Later on, the progress was really beginning to show, and Twisted Horizon began to reach farther, into the purpose of the game, and, in the end, bots.

Bots were probably the thing that held the first hQuest so long before opening, because of the fact that they had been so unsure exactly of what they would do. They had originally planned to have two bots: A RiddleBot and an AideBot. However, not only was the RiddleBot not working, but was found not to be needed anyways. In June, Twisted Horizon got sick of the game taking so long and put together the AideBot, which would allow people to win the game, finishing off the whole world.

Our future plans for hQuests include desert games in AlphaWorld, cave systems in the underworld of ZiPoN, and another world for a suburbial maze. Of course, we couldn't let too much information on the future go, especially the tournament hQuest :-)

Although not containing much information, the homepage for hQuests can be found at, and the e-mail addresses for the two owners, Twisted Horizon and Knight Rider, are and, in order.



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