Active Worlds Newsletter
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Worlds of Distinction

Each month the AWNewsletter features an abundance of striking worlds all throughout the AW universe. Unfortunately, the exposure of these worlds is usually limited to a screenshot, and as such they're sometimes featured only for their visual beauty.

The truth is, there are dozens of incredible worlds out there continually being tinkered with by creative individuals and groups. In this feature, I'll try to shed some light on the stories these worlds hold - discover their background and learn about their owners.


Kenneth is the type of person for whom world ownership is perfectly suited.

Over the years Kenneth has served as owner of multiple worlds. The content and themes of each change about as often as the season. This might sound obsessive, but in my opinion Kenneth is the embodiment of an active user.

While many other worlds sit idly by, Kenneth constantly introduces something new to discover in his. His most current world, Majestic, boasts an organic environment you might expect, but also a number of "attractions" you might not.

Ken is a great experimenter. He pushes the browser, making use of all the latest creative functions. Material effects, particle emitters, guided movers - he's even found a use for the recently-added web capturing.

Majestic: Tree House

Ascending the weaving staircase to this tree house is half the journey.

Majestic: Tree House

You just don't see enough guided mover rides (unless you're in say, an AWI ride contest world). Hop on this coaster and enjoy the ride.

Majestic: Tree House

Kenneth isn't alone when it comes to populating his worlds with things to do and see. Tiggy created this serene hot air balloon scene. One can even take you on a journey through the canyons of Majestic.

There's more to see in Majestic. A big, bold castle. An underground cave system. See it while you can, and come back often. It's not that Ken enjoys letting go of his past creations, but that he continually uses AW as it's used best: as a creative outlet.

AW lets a builder's imagination soar. If you're a world owner: don't fear change, embrace it and make use of that world!


« Know a world that would make for an interesting Worlds of Distinction article? E-mail and tell us a bit about it. »


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