Lensman’s Teleport Maze Station of the Month

Courtesy of Lensman

Lensman is a retired Peacekeeper and creator of the Teleport Maze. He won a Lifetime Achievement Award at this years CY Awards.

Teleport MazeThis Month the Station is 353 built near another superior build. The “R Town” build by Riff spans years of dedicated creation. It has builds in it dating from 1999 (see the tree house!) to the present. Most remarkable is the space museum and planetarium. The level of detail is astonishing and precise. Many have taken a stab at building the space shuttle but this is the only one that really looks like it. If you have a desire to build objects that move the action scripting in the site is truly awesome. While the build lacks a central theme is a wild collection of spiffy objects d’art. It is even guarded by a dragon named Rufus. If one follows the extensive rail system there are numerous builds by many other citizens. If you visit and explore expect to spend some time because the place is pretty big.

Location: AW 2140N 1510W

Teleport MazeThe Teleport Maze does not have a station in “Central Avatar, Rectangle Bay, Landerleute, in the Soleri system” (Yes, that is the world name!) aka avatar. I stumbled over it by accident actually and I would recommend a visit to the hardly ever visited place by Baro especially “Pipe Road” This is a world in constant construction but the techno European architecture and winding streets create an old world atmosphere much different than normally encountered on the typical private world. If you like this kind of thing Baro is looking for builders.

Location: Avatar 26N 14W


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