Current edition: Vol.7, No.7, July 2004

Active Worlds News

3.6 Released
World of the Month
Glance at AW History
Worlds to Watch
Mystery Location
AWFestival 2004
AWCamp 2004
AWUniversity News
AWNewbie Wants You
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Nevada Reunion
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Active Worlds 3.6 is Released!

Close on the heels of 3.5 comes the release of Active Worlds 3.6 streammedia! An embedded media player allows you to play streaming and non-streaming media within a 3D scene. Video and audio files as well as live video or audio feeds can now be assigned to sign-objects.

The media command requires Windows Media Player 6.4 or later in order to function. Windows Media Player 9 is recommended for best performance.

The media command enables media player functionality within a scene for playback of local- and web-based media files, as well as broadcasted streams. Supported are all file formats, supported by your installed version of Windows Media Player, except play-lists. A list of supported media file formats, for a users running WMP9, is here, not supported are Windows Media metafiles (.asx, .wax, .wvx, .wmx, .wpl). Sign objects must be used to take the video frames of the media. The media command has many optional arguments which are detailed in the comprehensive 3.6 help files.

The purpose of this command is to allow you to customize your building with your own personal media and artwork. It should be treated exactly the same as the HTML image tag; in other words, it is not appropriate to link to media streams and files on other people's web sites without their permission. This can cause their web servers to experience extra load and possibly cost them money unfairly. A good rule to follow is: when in doubt, you should only link to media files on your own website. Also, remember that many media files on the web are protected by copyrights. Linking to these media files without the owner's permission, whether on your web site or theirs, is illegal and could subject you to criminal prosecution!

Also, always keep in mind that content guidelines may be in effect in the world you are building in! If they are, linking to obscene, offensive or otherwise inappropriate media files or live streams may cause your property to be removed or your account to be deleted without warning!

Complete details on all of the new features in version 3.6 may be located in the comprehensive online help files at:


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