Current edition: Vol.6, No.12, December 2003

Active Worlds News

Holiday Specials
World of the Month
Happy Anniversary!
Worlds to Watch
Artist's Tip
AWTrivia Winners
AWUniversity News
Cy Awards Update
Christmas Hunt
Meet Your Neighbor
A!!CT Events
New Years Eve
Santa Wonderland
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Multi-World Present Hunt!

Courtesy of Daphne

Starting on December 20th at 12:01am VRT and ending on December 21st at 12:01pm VRT, there will be a Christmas Present Hunt spanning several worlds in the ActiveWorlds universe!!!

There are 18 worlds in the line-up so far and we are waiting to hear the final word on a few others... A listing of all the participating worlds can be seen on the day of the hunt at Storage World's GZ... I don't want to list them right now in case they are not quite ready for visitors!!! :o)

You will be able to hunt in any of the worlds listed and the Hunt Bots in each world will keep a coordinated tally so that the best hunters in multi-hunt will be the ones that win the prizes...

Prizes will be donated by AWI, Andras, Jerme, Daphne and probably a few others... They are always good prizes and the hunt is always a lot of fun so you won't want to miss it!!!

For hunt information go to


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