Current edition: Vol.5, No.11, November 2002

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Bot of the Month
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Bot of the Month Club

Courtesy of God Zedle

The idea is simple: a bot that allows you to build only in certain area's of a world, and limits chat to those area's. The programming itself took about 5 days, and it worked great in the end, I currently run it in my world Botanium (P20/10) and Chiklit's world RPG (p40/25). Many people have purchased islands in RPG using the virtual purchasing system. Please come see it if you have 3.4!

The bot checks if you are within certain coordinates (marked by objects that the bot locates and records), then it alters your "node" in a linked list (a dynamic array) so that your set to the room # assigned to the room you entered. It then will only send you chat messages that are said in in the area, and allow you to build (if it is your land). Your node contains a lot of info about you, your citizenship, and your status in the world.

Please, unless for an event or celebration: no bot requests. If AW needs a bot on the other hand.. ask away, i'll do it.

Please e-mail me at:

If you're interested in finding out more about how to use the SDK, visit the SDK site for information!

Know of a bot that you'd like to see featured as the Bot of the Month? If so, contact us at


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